4 Player Hampton Croquet Set With Wooden Box


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If you take your croquet that little bit more serious, then this top quality Croquet Set for 4 players is just for you. The Hampton croquet set comes in a classic purple wooden box for storage.


The Hampton Croquet Set includes...


4x full size, African hardwood Bubinga, square Hampton Croquet mallets, featuring octagonal ash handles, 37.5".
1x set of 6 Challenge Croquet hoops in canvas carry bag.
1x set of 4 90mm Challenge Croquet balls in canvas carry bag.
1x set of 4 colour Croquet winning peg.
1x set of Croquet flags.
1x set of 4 metal Croquet ball markers with canvas pouch.
1x simplified Croquet rules.
1x Croquet hoop smasher mallet.
1x set of 8 wooden Croquet line pegs.
1x purple painted, wooden Croquet box.


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